South-side collective Aight Bet create an energizing fusion of hip-hop and hardcore

South-side collective Aight Bet create an energizing fusion of hip-hop and hardcore

Aight Bet Credit: Aiden Dewasme

Aight Bet are a self-proclaimed “Chicago Hood Core Original” who blend hardcore and hip-hop with the sort of charisma only south-side Chicagoans can provide. The collective’s stomp-you-out beats, slap-you-up lyrics, and seamless juxtaposition of booming rap and hardcore vocals have loads of artistic potential.

The group’s current roster includes Alex Uridel, Alex Haas, Donny Macciaro, Les Foy, Mike Robz, and rapper Moe Cyrus, all seasoned musicians who’ve clocked time as solo artists or members of other local bands (among them extreme-metal outfit Lost in the Current and surprisingly good Korn tribute act Freak on a Leash). Chicago’s hardcore scene can sometimes be very cliquey, and I personally love that Aight Bet’s members have come together from different neighborhoods across the south side and all the way to Gary.  

Aight Bet’s music is deliciously heavy, with blistering rhythms and messages to spare. On “The Bag,” they share some choice words for folks who don’t honor their own mental health, delivered with crispy riffs and the sort of uberlocal wordplay that makes it more exciting to follow along: “They’ll be fumblin’ / Jesse White tumblin’ the bag,” Cyrus yelps. “Don’t Be Lyin, Be Lion” and its video hit just as hard, like a shot of espresso mainlined through an enema. If the growing response to Aight Bet is any indication, they’ll blast off into orbit very soon. 

Aight Bet are taking over Reggies Music Joint for a pre-Christmas extravaganza that also features veteran hip-hop vocalist and DMV-area DIY champion Enoch 7th Prophet, horrorcore and electronic trap artist Jatan Satan, and local melodic spitter Koziwithak. Get ready for an eclectic, community-forward night of banging, thought-provoking music.

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Aight Bet Enoch 7th Prophet, Jatan Satan, and Koziwithak open. Sun 12/22, 8 PM, Reggies Music Joint, 2105 S. State, $10. 21+

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