Pheasant die-off leads to drop in northern Illinois permits

Pheasant die-off leads to drop in northern Illinois permits

A pheasant die-off at the Des Plaines Game Propagation Center leads to a reduction in permits for the controlled pheasant hunting program at sites in northern Illinois.

The impacted sites are Des Plaines State Fish and Wildlife Area, Silver Springs SFWA, Iroquois County State Wildlife Area, Kankakee River State Park, Johnson-Sauk Trail State Recreation Area and Green River SFWA.

The Illinois Department of Natural Resources explained:

Due to a pheasant die-off at the Des Plaines Game Propagation Center, there are no longer enough birds to fulfill the original quotas established for the sites at the beginning of the season. IDNR has reduced the number of permits per site to ensure there are enough birds to release for each permit sold for the controlled pheasant hunts.

The birds have been tested for disease vectors, and treatment is underway. The disease found in the birds has no effect on humans or dogs.

The IDNR also noted, “Hunters should check the permit calendar on the controlled pheasant hunt website for permit availability.”

The full press release is at

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